The Game of Empires
Can you remember all the characters in the game? Can you guess
who is who?
What is Empires?
Empires is a simple yet surprisingly entertaining party game
that will test your memory. Each player in the game secretly
chooses a "character" that they will play as. Once all players
have chosen their characters, each character name will be
revealed to all players who will have to try to memorize every
character. Gameplay consists of guessing the character name
that other plays chose. Successful guesses bring the guessed
player (and their entire "empire") into your own "empire". The
game will end with everyone in a single empire under the one
player whose character was never correctly guessed.
What do we need to play?
This website will assist you in hosting a game of empires by
doing the following:
Allowing players to secretly select a character name
Revealing the character names to all players
Keeping track of which players have still not had their
characters identified, (the empires remaining to be
Meanwhile, you are responsible for providing the following:
An internet-capable device for each player. This is only
needed to select a character at the beginning of the game
so multiple people in the same room can pass a device around
for this part.
At least one view of the game that every player can
see. This can be on individual devices, or by the game
host sharing their screen in some fashion, (such as
through a video call).
Some means for all players to communicate. This could be a
video call or some chat room or something else. Of course,
it's also possible to play with people in the same room
together. If you have the luxury to do that, it's also
convenient to have captured players move to sit with their
new empires to make it clear which empires remain.